Great Western has 8 distinct claim groups in Nevada targeting both precious metals and base metals. Please explore each claim group and use the table below to see the different stages of exploration and subsequent evolution. Feel free to contact us with any questions you might have and we will be happy to help.



GWM's M5 prospect occurs at a prominent northeast trending ridge standing proud of surrounding Tertiary volcanic cover. The ridge hosts a number of mineralised outcrops, including a quartz vein with bonanza silver grades and sulphide stringers featuring chalcopyrite.

Soil sampling in 2023 identified a zone 1500 m long by 400 m wide containing several corridors of anomalous gold and copper which are open as they reach the edge of cover to the northeast.

Latest news: Extended Gold Zone at M5

Key Facts

  • Corridors of copper and gold anomalies within a 1500 m long and 400 m wide zone.
  • One quartz vein grab from a small pit returned 5.141 g/t Au, 1,246.00 g/t Ag, 0.32% Cu
  • Grabs from outcropping sulphide stringers returned 5.16% Cu and 1.09% Cu.
  • Prospect is undrilled to date.



There is some evidence for previous phases of exploration at M5 - dozer scrapes along the ridge line seem to have been focussed on surface showings of copper sulphides, and a small pit occurs in a quartz vein on the northern flank of the hill. A 60 m long exploration trench lies open on the southwestern flank of the hill. As is typical in the area none of these features are documented.

Great Western undertook early reconnaissance soil sampling at M5 in 2015, and identified elevated values of gold and copper in some samples. This project remained as an early stage opportunity and the company persued other priorities until 2023 when a more comprehensive soils grid was completed with 345 samples analysed to date. This work resulted in the identification of several corridors of mineralisation, which are open to the northeast where the host rocks are obscured by post mineralisation cover.

During the soil sampling, selective grabs were taken of interesting features, including previous exploration disturbances. Chalcopyrite stringers outcropping on the southeastern side just off the main ridge returned 5.16% Cu and 1.09% Cu. A malachite bearing quartz vein, which outcrops in a small working on the northern flank of the hill returned 5.141 g/t Au, 1,246.00 g/t Ag, 0.32% Cu.


The geology of the M5 ridge is a complex interfolded sequence of sediments and volcanic litholgies with doleritic intrusions and related alteration zones. The hill stands proud of the surrounding lavas, forming an inlier (an area of older rocks surrounded by younger rocks). It is likely that the hill represented positive topography at the time of the emplacement of the Tertiary lavas, likely due to the resistant nature of the mafic intrusions that are exposed there.
